Turn your passion for organization into a career. Learn the fundamentals of event planning, from budgeting and venue selection to managing guest experiences.
Become a graphic design expert with Adobe Photoshop. Learn photo editing, typography, and layout design for creative and professional projects.
Discover the beauty of calligraphy and hand lettering. Perfect your strokes and learn to design custom pieces for invitations, posters, and more.
Dive into the world of digital art using Procreate. Learn how to create illustrations, animations, and digital paintings with professional tools and techniques.
Master the art of makeup and skincare. Learn techniques for professional makeup application, product selection, and maintaining healthy skin.
- Trainer/in: Abdiaziz Ahmed Ali
Develop your creativity in the world of fashion by learning design principles, sketching, and fabric selection to create unique styles.
Explore the art of designing functional and aesthetic spaces. Learn about color theory, furniture layout, and creating mood boards to bring your vision to life.
Master the basics of photography, including camera settings, composition, and lighting techniques, to capture stunning images for personal or professional use.